MarTech Matters

What is marketing technology? It might sound complex, but marketing technology is a general term for the tools that allow you to market smarter. If you use Google Analytics to track performance on your website, or send emails through a platform like MailChimp, you're already using "MarTech." Even more impactful, these platforms and technologies help to better connect the dots between marketing and operational efforts.

Here a few ways MarTech makes modern marketing come to life.

Marketing Technology Landscape image of all the different marketing platform logos

MarTech puts a priority on system integration, a.k.a., MarTech Stacks

Marketing Technology doesn’t work if the various marketing platforms can’t communicate to one another or automate processes. By creating a MarTech Stack (a collection and categorization of Marketing Technology products that are used) companies are able to see how integrated all of their platforms and systems are and how enhanced the customer experience can become when everything begins to communicate.

Color Wheel image with Marketing / Technology platform logos
Source: Brian Solis & JESS3
iOn Interactive's Marketing Technology Stack showing the user path with the marketing platform's logos along the way.
Source: ion Interactive
Microsoft's Marketing Technology Stack
Source: Microsoft

MarTech Unites Marketing and Operations

Marketing Technology requires collaboration between marketing and operation departments. When this happens, those selling brand promises and those executing on those brand promises work together with the same data. With clear goals and real-time data to help make decisions, teams can determine what efforts are working and where opportunities lie.

MarTech Looks at the Whole Customer Journey

Integrating platforms and systems allows marketers to look at customer data holistically, from the first touchpoint to the last. This viewpoint shows teams objectively what is working.

Some questions you should ask to build out your customer journey and applicable MarTech integrations:

  • How did the customer find you? Media placement or organic search? Which channels lead to the most conversions?
  • What was the customer's first direct interaction with your brand? Website visit, phone call, social media engagement? All of these can be tracked using tools to help see what drives customers to engage and what method they prefer.
  • How do you help customers convert? Remarketing media buys, marketing automation, and cart abandonment strategies are all tools able to integrate with your website or other sales platforms to create messaging specific to where the customer is in their journey.
  • How do you help increase conversions? Are you running conversion rate optimization campaigns, upselling, showing related items? The logic and tools behind these would fall in your MarTech stack.
  • How do you build loyalty from customers? What messaging can be automated through drip campaigns, scheduled social media posts, loyalty emails, etc.? Find ways to keep moving your customers “through the funnel.”
  • How do you add personalization to your messaging? Does your website or media placement use dynamic content or incorporate customer data?
  • How do you look to see what is working? What reporting tools do you use—dashboards, attribution models, business intelligence? How do you incorporate all the platforms listed above?

MarTech Lets You Market Smarter.

When you consider the entire customer journey with the above questions, your teams can evaluate processes, automate efficiency, and streamline data for a more satisfying customer experience. Ultimately, MarTech allows companies to adopt and scale marketing efforts faster and smarter.

Want to know more about how MarTech can affect your business?

Contact us and let’s get the conversation started.

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About the Author Kate Kotzea // VP of Products & Services

Kate (M.B.A., University of Sioux Falls) helps lead our teams to develop comprehensive digital strategies for Click Rain's clients. She also brings new initiatives, strategies, and procedures to our internal team.

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