Website analysis tools like Google Analytics provide a wealth of information about your website's performance over time. However, we need to act quickly if we want to preserve our historical data in Google Analytics as they have announced they will be deleting all Universal Analytics (UA) properties come July 1, 2024 in an effort to fully transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

This means it’s crunch time for implementing a data migration plan, whether you tackle it solo or with Click Rain’s assistance, and here’s why.

Key Benefits of Historical Website Data

At its core, historical data tells the story of your website's journey – where it's been, what's worked well, and what areas need improvement. It's like having a detailed record of your site's life, allowing you to identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.

By comparing performance metrics before and after launching a new campaign, updating content, or making site changes, you can gauge their effectiveness and determine whether your investments are paying off.

Many businesses experience fluctuations throughout the year, and having access to data from previous periods allows you to anticipate and prepare for these cycles, rather than being caught off guard. Historical data provides you with the opportunity to make informed business decisions around top performance timeframes and where to focus your efforts.

You might discover that certain pages or content types consistently perform better than others, or that users from specific geographic regions or devices have unique tendencies. These insights can inform your content strategy, user experience design, and even drive paid campaign strategies.

Make Use of Your Data

It's important to remember that data alone doesn't tell the whole story. Combining historical analytics with qualitative research, industry trends, and your own business knowledge is essential for making well-rounded, strategic decisions.

Key Areas to Focus On

  • Traffic sources: Understand where your visitors are coming from (organic search, paid advertising, social media, etc.) and how those channels have evolved over time.

  • Conversion rates: Monitor how effectively your website is turning visitors into customers or leads, and identify any significant changes or patterns.

  • User behavior: Analyze metrics like bounce rates, time on site, and page views to gauge user engagement and identify potential areas for improvement.

  • Content performance: Evaluate which pages, blog posts, or other content pieces have consistently resonated with your audience, and use this information to inform your future content strategy.

  • Technical issues: Look for any periods of unusually low traffic or high bounce rates, which could indicate technical problems that need to be addressed.

Leverage the Power of Historical Data

Make data-driven decisions that position your business for success. Your website's history is not just a collection of numbers – it's a valuable resource that can help you stay ahead of the curve. If you’d like support in preserving your historical website data from Universal Analytics, we’re always happy to help.

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About the Author Emma Senn // Senior Marketing Strategist

Emma uses an array of technical skills to create and implement digital marketing strategies for our clients. Equal parts creative and analytical, Emma enables our clients to thrive in the digital space.

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