View from a Google Business Profile screenshot showing UTM tracking.

Our Approach

To understand the value of a visitor from a Google Business Profile, we analyzed aggregated web traffic data across 25 websites. We used UTM tracking to monitor website traffic from GBP and analyzed GA4 data to see how engaged these visitors were and what actions they took on the website.

The Results

Our analysis showed that users who visit a website through a Google Business Profile are more engaged and more likely to convert than general site visitors. These visitors are searching for specific branded terms or service-related queries like "coffee near me," indicating they have a strong intent to find your services.

a chart showing the percentage of engagement rate on all sites (61.84%) compared to traffic coming in from local search (75.5%)

Google Business Profiles Drive Over 14% of Website Traffic

On average, Google Business Profiles drove 14% of total web traffic. For hospitality websites, this percentage was even higher, with over 16% of visits coming from Local Search. As consumers increasingly rely on "near me" searches to find local businesses, having an optimized Google Business Profile is crucial for driving qualified traffic to your website.

Chart comparing Local search event count (9.72) to all site traffic at 7.59

24% More Engaged Visitors from Local Search

Visitors coming to a website through local search were, on average, 24% more engaged than other site visitors. They spent more time on the website and visited more pages. The higher engagement levels of visitors from Google Business Profiles show their strong intent and interest in your services, making them a valuable audience to target.

Chart showing the average revenue per session at $7.07 for Local Search, while all site traffic only brought in $4.85 per session

46% Higher Revenue Per Session

Revenue per session was $7.07 for visitors from Google Business Profiles, 46% higher than the overall site average of $4.85. By prioritizing your local search presence through Google Business Profile optimization, you can attract more high-value traffic to your website and unlock significant revenue growth opportunities.

Local search visitors also took more actions on the website, with an average of 28% more events per session than overall site visitors. These actions included filling out contact forms, signing up for emails, making purchases, and more.

Putting it to Work

People are turning to local search and Google Business Profile results more often, and these visitors are more likely to convert once they visit your site. Make sure your Google Business Profile is optimized, you’re asking for reviews, and you have a strategy to engage with these potential customers. There’s a big opportunity to boost your local search strategy and grow your business. Remember, these visitors are actively looking for your services, so it’s crucial to appear in local searches.

If your Google Business Profile listings aren’t fully optimized or if you haven't checked on them in a while, now is the time. Optimizing your GBP increases the chances of showing up in local search results and attracting more high-intent visitors to your website.

Get in Touch

If you’re wondering where to start or need advice on how to optimize your listings, contact us. We’re happy to help you improve your local search strategy.

If you just need help managing your listings and reviews, check out Stratus, our local listing platform. Stratus lets you manage all your listings and reviews from across the web in one central place. Find out more at

Contact Us

The data for this project was compiled over several years, with permission from clients, who also receive reporting on this area of their digital marketing strategy.